
Throughout the school year we will be doing Fast Facts. This will develop our basic numeracy skills by consistently practicing our multiplication and division skills. We will begin the mathematics program with Patterning. We will be using Nelson Mathematics and Mathletics to learn. We will have a weekly trip to the computer lab to use Mathletics. I use Mathletics to reinforce concepts, not to teach new ones.

We will begin by establishing a reading community by discussing and picking 'good fit' books from the school and classroom libraries, brainstorming what good readers do, reading together, by ourselves, reading to classmates and to our Grade 2 reading buddies. Our first read aloud novel of the school year will be Judy Moody. We will use this novel to develop our reading comprehension strategies. We will also be using stories, informational articles and graphic texts from Nelson Literacy to help develop our reading skills.

We will start the school year by establishing a writing community. We will explore the steps of the Writing Process and what good writers do. Before starting recount writing in October, students will write an autobiography!

Word Study:
As part of our daily activities, we will be doing Daily Language Review. Daily Language Review is a series of activities that help students practice reading comprehension, vocabulary, punctuation, capitalization, grammar and reference skills. We will also be doing Month-by-Month Phonics. This will help students become better decoders and spellers.

Oral Communication:
Our focus will be on listening. Listening to teachers, to classmates while working as a whole class, working in groups and with partners. We will also use our speaking skills to communicate our ideas, thoughts, connects and personal experiences. 

Media Literacy:
Media Literacy is difficult to define, but it's pretty much reading and writing information that isn't just text. Good examples of media texts are magazine articles that include pictures, public service announcements, pamphlets, posters, advertisements, photographs or interviews. We will look at different media texts and decide who they are created for and what they're trying to communicate. We will also create our own media texts with a topic, audience and purpose in mind. 

Health & Physical Education:
For Health, the focus for first term will be Healthy Eating. We will discuss food origins, nutritional value, food choices, cultural foods and local foods. For Physical Education, the main goal is to get moving! But in order to "get moving," we will need to practice sportsmanship, playing by the rules and safety. Games and activities that we will play may include soccer, soccer baseball, stretching, dodgeball, field games, basketball and cooperative games. It's great to be a good athlete, however, student achievement is primarily based on sportsmanship, playing by the rules and safety.

Visual Arts:
We will start by focussing on the elements of design (line, shape and form, space, colour, texture, and value). Students will develop understanding of all the principles of design (that is, contrast, repetition and rhythm, variety, emphasis, proportion, balance, unity and harmony,  and movement), but the focus in Grade 4/5 will be on emphasis. 

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